The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) of 2003 allows everyone to receive one free credit report from each of the three main credit-reporting agencies once a year. How to Get Your Report Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, the three main credit-reporting agencies, created a central source,, where […]
People are desperate to pay their bills. Every day we see people who have paid lots of money to debt settlement companies that promised to get their debt reduced, paid off at a lower interest rate, or settled for pennies on the dollar — and that money has been COMPLETELY […]
Some creditors will do anything to collect money, including outright lie and engage in illegal tricks. These seven situations really happened to my clients. Don’t fall for them if they happen to you! A collector went to our client’s house at midnight, dressed as a policeman, showed a fake badge and […]
I tried to settle with the creditor and they refused. Is that a defense? No. A creditor is not required to settle a debt, reduce interest, or write it off. I don’t recognize the name of the creditor suing me. Is that a defense? Possibly. You have the right to […]